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Social Media Marketing: 5 Steps To Choose The Right Channel

Are you running a business in this era of digitalization? Then, it is not a good idea to stay away from social media channels. Now, companies worldwide have acknowledged the fact. They have started leveraging social media channels for business growth.

As per a Buffer study, 57%-58% of brands said that social media is essential for marketing in business.  But, how many of them get the desired result? Numerous brands struggle to get the expected ROI from social media channels. Most of them cannot manage to choose the right platform for their business. According to the research by social media marketing services in India, it is the primary reason behind not getting the expected results.

Which Social Media Channel To Choose?

Many social media channels are available to uplift your business. Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, Pinterest, and what’s not? Which one to choose? “Social media is not just an activity; it is an investment of valuable time and resources.”, Sean Gardner says.  Hence, choosing and using the right social media platform is extremely important for sustainable growth in your industry. Social media marketing companies can help you in the research. Nonetheless, if you want to choose it by yourself, this write-up is for you. Let us introduce how to identify the right approach to using social media platforms.

Find the Right Social Media Platform: 5 Steps to Follow

1. Determine your Social Media Objective: A clear objective leads to a high success rate. So, first, decide your purpose for using social media channels. If your objective is to focus on brand awareness, the popular platforms with a large audience base are great choices. You can try Facebook to advertise your brand.

 As per one study, nearly 17% of Facebook users join the platform to follow specific brands. Furthermore, go for occasional paid promotions. It is a must for brand awareness. And if you intend to generate more leads, LinkedIn is there for you. According to one Hubspot study, LinkedIn is 277% more effective for lead generation than other social media platforms.

2. Know Your Target Audiences: Your audience is your asset. Sandy Krakowski said, “Lead people with what they want. – Lead with what they’ve already said. – Lead people from where they’re at. – Lead them with the things that concern them.” Therefore, learn where your audience spends time online. Build your company profile on those platforms accordingly. Know every possible aspect of your audience well. Get as much information as you can. However, professional social media marketing services providers can help you know your audience better.

Let’s say, if you run a business of nutrition products for adults, you can find your target audience among the fitness freaks and gym-goers. Similarly, if your business is about baby products, you may consider moms as your target audience.

3. Get an Idea about Your Competitors’ Channels: Keeping an eye on your competitors’ activities always keeps you a step ahead of them. Have a look at which platform they are using. Also, check how the response there is! However, you may seek help from social media marketing agencies in India and other areas. They use excellent tools and techniques to analyze your competitors’ activities, especially on social media channels. Social listening tools like Buzzsumo and Brandwatch Analytics can help in this matter.

4. Decide the Type of Content: The nature and goals of your business determine your content types. If you are in the B2B industry, professional press releases and whitepapers with company updates suit you. For service-based companies, publishing editorial copies is the best option. Picture-based content is ideal for B2C brands.

Professional sites like LinkedIn, and SlideShare are the best for publishing press releases, and whitepapers. Medium and LinkedIn are good options if you are looking to publish editorial content. For picture-based content, go for Pinterest. According to one Shopify study, Pinterest currently has 250 million active users. And 98% of the users are likely to try things they discover on Pinterest. On other platforms, it is 71%.

5. Choose the Channels: Let’s come to the final step. Once you get the adequate analysis and statistics, it’s time to take action. Do not hurry. You may not be able to manage it yourself. Then you should hire professional social media marketing services in India or other countries.

So, this is how you can choose social media channels for your business. Now, let’s have a quick look at these steps once more.

Choose Social Media Channels for your Business: At a Glance

1. Determine your Social Media Objectives or Goals

2. Know Your Target Audience Well

3. Learn What Your Competitors are doing

4. Decide the Type of Content You want to Post

5. Choose the Channels

Go to any of the top social media marketing companies in India or other places. They will suggest you some effective tips. Nonetheless, we have mentioned them. Follow the tips accordingly to see high business growth through your social media channels.

7 Tips to Boost up your Social Media Marketing

  • Use more than one social media channel.
  • Research about the Analytics Tools before Use
  • Be professional with the content you post
  • Provide value to the audience through social media content
  • Powerful CTA (call to action) within the content is a must.
  • Focus on demographic details instead of current trends
  • Promptly hire SMO services in India or other places if necessary

Social Media Marketing: the Channels you can Leverage

Guy Kawasaki says, “Everything else involves buying eyeballs and ears. Social media enables a small business to earn eyeballs and ears.” So, social media marketing is not a choice but a necessity for your business. Now, let’s go through the available social media channels.

The Supreme Rulers

These sites rule the world of social media with their large audience base. They are undoubtedly the goldmines for the growth of any business.

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn

The Important Ones

Joined the three big sites? Then, it is time to have some additional perks. Therefore, try these platforms with a good audience base.

  • Instagram
  • YouTube
  • Pinterest

Final Words

Once you choose the channels, it is time to plan and create content for the channels. In addition, you have to keep track of the traffic on your profile. Professional social media marketing services in India and other areas can handle the task well. Let an experienced social media agency take care of your accounts. And you focus on your core business tasks. So, think, contemplate and take action accordingly!

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