The role of colours in branding strategy
Now there is no sure shot formula for choosing the right colour for your brand. But when it comes to visual recalling, colours do play a significant role. Still, how to decide which colour is best for your brand? Well, the answer is not so easy:
A distinct brand identity means a better branding strategy
By now it’s clear to you that colour plays a vital role in brand identity. As colours are an important factor in visual communication, in the same study researchers show that over 75% of credit card brands use blue in their logo. Whereas, only 20% of the fast food brands have blue in their logo. On the other hand, the apparel logos tend to avoid red colour but more than 60% of the retail brands are proudly using the same.
How do colours play with your emotions?
A very few of the best digital branding agencies in India keep colour psychology in their mind while deciding your brand colour. As mentioned earlier, the right colour conveys your brand’s message and emotions. In this way, you will be able to grab the attention of the right customers. One’s response to colours is based on their personal life experiences and cultural emotions. Often, the significance of the same colour varies from culture to culture. For example:
White: Though primarily used as a secondary colour for contrast, white signifies purity, clarity, innocence and similarity. This simple yet elegant colour when paired with black brings forth some stunning professional design. White is mostly used as a background colour but brands that signify high-ticket and exclusive deals can surely welcome this colour as their mark of identity.
Yellow: Everything that is cheerful, warm and young is represented by yellow. If you own a brand that targets customers to welcome them with positivity and good vibes, yellow is definitely your colour. It is an eye-catching colour that boosts freshness and joy.
Purple: Purple promotes both royalty and spirituality. Since it represents femininity, it is a top choice among many cosmetic brands. In case your brand looks forward to grabbing the attention of your targeted audience through creativity and wisdom, purple is your colour.
Green: Fertility, nature, health and energy; green symbolizes them all. You must have noticed brands that promote organic products mostly use green as their distinguishing mark. It is because green relaxes the mind and renders a soothing effect on our body and soul.
Blue: Blue emphasizes calmness, healing, sincereness and confidence. Corporate brands who look forward to delivering a message of confidence and conviction may surely add this colour to their brand. Further, the blue colour in the brand assimilates a sense of professionalism and faith.

Choose the perfect colour psychology for your brand: The secret to successful branding strategy
A successful branding strategy depends on a handful of clauses among which colour psychology is an important one. Without understanding the proper relationship between colours and human emotions you won’t be able to make the right choice for your brand colour. A study reveals that when people view images associated with big names, their brain activity increases viz. memory, decision-making and emotion.
Just think about how the colour pattern and combinations leave an imprint on your mind. The yellow arches of McDonalds, the green mermaid of Starbucks, the golden cursives of Cadbury; all deliver a subtle message. Even if you don’t look at their products, you can say what they are selling. Give it a second thought that the correct blend and pattern of colour will help in better communicating your brand’s ideology to your targeted customers.
In a nutshell
Colours are a significant component of branding. Before concluding upon any colour, get a clear idea of your brand and its principles. Focus on the category of items you are promoting and trading. Identifying your target audience is necessary. Falling short in this may cause a loophole in your business strategy. It is also important to study your competitor. They will give you an insight into which paths to follow and those to abandon.
Last comes the colour patterns and hues. Recognize your customer base, the colour patterns you choose must align with your customer emotions and connections. Understanding the right blend of colours will clearly convey your message to your audience. This in turn will help to leave a deep impact on the minds of the buyers.
If you are still confused with your decision on brand colour, allow us to help you with your requirements. Speak with the experts from the best digital branding agency in India, where our focus emphasizes qualitative brand marketing over quantitative one. Please feel free to get in touch with us and we will be more than happy to assist you with our bouquet of services.